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A message from the founder

Hello! As a kid, the first love of my life was the arts. In the little corner of my bedroom, I would write, perform, draw, and paint to my heart's content. Occasionally I would also create little magazines of all my art as well. It was an outlet for me to express myself. It traveled with me throughout my years in middle school and high school and eventually became not only the first love of my life, but also a form of therapy. I voraciously read and wrote in journals to sort out the arbitrary thoughts in my head. 


In July 2019, I was officially diagnosed with major depressive disorder, went to inpatient, and an outpatient program and it has been a roller coaster since then; I lost friends, relationships and had to completely restart. The one thing that remained consistent was the arts. Arts was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel that I plummeted myself into and I was desperate to get out. I wrote like I was pouring my heart out on that piece of paper and eventually I shared it with the people I was closest too. That's when I realized: I truly wasn't alone. People have gone through similar experiences too.


I created this platform in order to create a teenage-based community that uplifts, appreciates, and destigmatizes the conversation around mental health through the first love of my life: The Arts. So many times we ignore the prevalent issues surrounding mental health that affect our everyday lives. It is time we speak up for ourselves, educate our fellow teenagers, and build empathy for one another. Join us as we create a platform for our voices to be heard, one post at a time. 


-Genesis, Founder of A Mental Note

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